

Oct2Py provides a plugin for IPython to bring Octave to the IPython prompt or the IPython Notebook.

M-File Examples#

M-files in the directory where oct2py was initialized, or those in the Octave path, can be called like any other Octave function. To explicitly add to the path, use:

>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> import os
>>> _ = octave.addpath(os.path.expanduser('~'))

to add the directory in which your m-file is located to Octave’s path.



function [x, class] = roundtrip(y)
   % returns the input variable and its class
   x = y
   class = class(x)

Python Session#

>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=float)
>>> #use nout='max_nout' to automatically choose max possible nout
>>> octave.eval("""function [x, class] = roundtrip(y)
... % returns the input variable and its class
... x = y
... class = class(x)""")
>>> out, oclass = octave.roundtrip(x,nout=2)
x =
    1   2
    3   4
 class = double
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint([x, x.dtype, out, oclass, out.dtype])
[array([[1., 2.],
       [3., 4.]]),
 array([[1., 2.],
      [3., 4.]]),

Test Datatypes#


function test = test_datatypes()
% Test of returning a structure with multiple
% nesting and multiple return types
% Add a UTF char for test: 

% numeric types
% integers
test.num.int.int8 = int8(-2^7);
test.num.int.int16 = int16(-2^15);
test.num.int.int32 = int32(-2^31);
test.num.int.int64 = int64(-2^63);
test.num.int.uint8 = uint8(2^8-1);
test.num.int.uint16 = uint16(2^16-1);
test.num.int.uint32 = uint32(2^32-1);
test.num.int.uint64 = uint64(2^64-1);

test.num.float32 = single(pi);
test.num.float64 = double(pi);
test.num.complex = 3 + 1j;
test.num.complex_matrix = (1.2 + 1.1j) * magic(3);

% misc
test.num.inf = inf;
test.num.NaN = NaN;
test.num.matrix = [1 2; 3 4];
test.num.vector = [1 2 3 4];
test.num.column_vector = [1;2;3;4];
test.num.matrix3d = ones([2 3 4]) * pi;
test.num.matrix5d = ones(1,2,3,4,5) * pi;

% logical type
test.logical = [10 20 30 40 50] > 30;

% sparse type
test.sparse = speye(10);

% string types
test.string.basic = 'spam';
test.string.cell = {'1'};
test.string.char_array = ['Thomas R. Lee'; ...
                        'Sr. Developer'; ...
                        'SFTware Corp.'];
test.string.cell_array = {'spam', 'eggs'};

% User defined object
test.object = polynomial([1,2,3]);

% struct array of shape 3x1
test.struct_vector = [struct('key','a'); struct('key','b'); struct('key','c')];

% struct array of shape 1x2
test.struct_array(1).name = 'Sharon';
test.struct_array(1).age = 31;
test.struct_array(2).name = 'Bill';
test.struct_array(2).age = 42;

% cell array types
test.cell.vector = {'spam', 4.0, [1 2 3]};
test.cell.matrix = {'Bob', 40; 'Pam', 41};
test.cell.scalar = {1.8};
test.cell.string = {'1'};
test.cell.string_array = {'1', '2'};
test.cell.empty = cell(3,4,2);
test.cell.array = {[0.4194 0.3629 -0.0000;
                  0.0376 0.3306 0.0000;
                  0 0 1.0000],
                  [0.5645 -0.2903 0;
                  0.0699 0.1855 0.0000;
                  0.8500 0.8250 1.0000]};

% nest all of the above.
test.nested = test;


Python Session#

>>> from oct2py import octave, __file__ as octave_path
>>> import os
>>> _ = octave.addpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(octave_path), 'tests'))
>>> out = octave.test_datatypes()
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(out)  
{'cell': {'array': Cell([array([[ 0.4194,  0.3629, -0.    ],